Longer variations/versions of this itinerary (8-12 days) simply includes more “hands on health care” time—community triage/clinical time/rotations.
This itinerary is for the WCI Baja Program, but the Costa Rican version is the same pattern of health care and local activities—just in Costa Rica!
Day One
9 am: Van pick up in Phoenix or Tucson.
3-4 pm: Arrival at beach house I Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point) and initial logistics orientation, meeting staff, settling in.
5:50 pm: Sunset on “Margarita Deck” or beach.
6 pm: Welcome dinner!
7 pm: Program orientation and first community triage training, vitals training and review of health care system.
8:30 pm: Evening discussion and questions, free time.
Day Two
8 am: Breakfast.
9:30 am: Second community triage/screenings training and vitals training.
11:00 Orientation tour of Puerto Penasco.
1:00 pm: Overlook Luncheon at El Capitan Restaurant (team pays but its half price).
2:30 pm: Community Triage/House visits/vitals/screenings in San Rafael.
5:00 pm: Return to beach house for dinner and sunset.
7:00 pm: Salsa Lessons!
8:30 pm: End of day de-brief/free time
Day Three
8 am: Breakfast.
Morning and afternoon rotations of hospital or clinic (local health care clinic) time and community/triage/house visits.
4:00 pm :Tropical medicinal seminar.
Evening: Dinner out and “Malecon Time” — the tourist area waterfront (restaurants/shops/waterfront and street activities, etc.)
8:30 pm: End of day de-brief/free time.
Day Four
8 am: Breakfast.
Morning and afternoon rotations of hospital or clinic (local health care clinic) time and community/triage/house visits.
Late afternoon-early evening shopping/tourist time.
8:30 pm: End of day de-brief/free time.
Day Five
8 am: Breakfast.
Morning rotations of hospital or clinic (local health care clinic) time and community/triage/house visits.
Afternoon is a fun time with kids from “the hood” as we provide a Children’s Health fair! Games, pinata, food, contests (WCI staff get to match their physical game skills with the kids) —all with a “how to be healthy” focus. E.G. We integrate into this activity several possible kid-level seminars/games on how to live healthier.
Late afternoon recreation/free time for WCI team.
Evening out or at the beachhouse—chillin’…
Day Six
Morning clinic—an intensive time of providing clinical follow-ups utilizing our local WCI team of medical professionals and YOU!
Mid-Afternoon Recreation time!!
Evening out to celebrate another successful WCI project—you will have made a difference in the actual health care of many, many women and children in the designated area of service (wherever we are currently partnering with local Health Ministry to bring health care into designated neighborhoods.
8:30 pm: End of day de-brief/free time.
Day Seven
Breakfast and then travel day home.