Our Gallery
Hike for Humanity - Recreation
Neighborhood Visits for fun!
Waiting for pediatric exam
Happy campers!
At Pediatric Clinic
Hike for Humanity - Cabecar School
Inoculation Clinic
Rotary Club in Costa Rica
Education student teaching
Med House Visit
Lovin’ it!
Volunteering at a Community Center in Costa Rica
Pediatric exam
Hike for Humanity - Recreation Fun!
Education classroom activity
In the neighborhood visiting
Heading down the road to evaluate houses
Hike for Humanity - Medical House Visits
Beach time!
Many new friends!
Rafting time!
Getting instructions for house evaluations
Visit to Xanantanich in Belize
Group neighborhood picture
WCI President Birnbaum with Costa Rica President, Chinchilla
New Friends overlooking the Sea of Cortez