Well Child International

Lovin’ it!

Well Child International Medical Mission Trips Provide Excellent Medical ‎Service Learning Opportunities

Well Child International (WCI) was a wonderful team to work with through the ‎International Service Learning organization. I would like to express gratitude ‎towards the WCI team, Saul, Yvonne, Yvette, and Brenda, for leading our team on ‎such a successful and memorable learning adventure during my medical mission ‎trip. ‎

Personally, it was my first time outside of the country, so I was very nervous ‎about going to a new place where I could not fluently speak the native language ‎and was not sure what to expect. It was amazing to see the expertise and ‎professionalism each team member held during the duration of the trip, while ‎also making the medical mission trip fun and enjoyable. ‎

Yvette and Yvonne were spectacular interpreters that assisted us with speaking ‎with the natives as well as encouraging us to practice communicating in Spanish ‎so we would learn more than just medicine on our trip. Saul and Brenda both did ‎an amazing job introducing our team to Mexican culture and customs so that we ‎would better understand the healthcare system and the daily lifestyle of a native.‎

In addition to the team, the healthcare professionals that we had the opportunity ‎to work with were very knowledgeable and kind when sharing their passion for ‎medicine with us. I had not realized how different the healthcare system was in ‎Mexico until this opportunity with WCI. I have a passion for working in pediatrics ‎and becoming a pediatrician myself in the future, so I believe the information and ‎experiences that I gained from this trip will assist me in better understanding the ‎different backgrounds my future patients will be coming from and how to better ‎address their medical issues. ‎

If I had the opportunity to go on a medical service learning trip with WCI again, I ‎would certainly do so. If anyone has a passion for medicine, travel, and working ‎with kind individuals, becoming part of a WCI team will justify those passions. ‎They are an excellent option if you are seeking nursing volunteer opportunities ‎too! ‎

Amanda Seawright